A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Thanks to the inspiration from a movie I've watched oh,..thousands of times over the last weekend, I've decided to redecorate my apartment. I've had a sort of sage/celadon green thang going for the past year and a half, but now I'm thinking something more along the lines of spice, cinnamon, and burnt orange. There's something about naming colors, and using their 'fabulous' names that helps to conjure the image of that color. For instance, 'Curry Spice' gives a much better idea of the color concept than 'Marooney-orange."
Perhaps it's the recent upsurge of wanderlust, but I feel my living space should have a more international feel. So far I've only rearranged/updated one wall, and made a flower arrangement (silks, dahling - they never need watering), but I'm feeeling all inspired and who knows, maybe I'll clean a little too, while I'm at it!

In other news, I have an event to go to on Sunday evening and I'm required to bring a "finger dessert." eww. Since Halloween is over, I'll just assume they mean a dessert that may be picked up and eaten with the fingers, and not something more gruesome. I've decided on my mother's recipe for cocoons, which are little crispy cookie things coated in confectioner's sugar. If I can get my stuff together, I'll even show ya'll a picture and post the recipe, so everyone can partake of the yummy holiday goodness.


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