A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


In the last 6-or-so months, stopping the momentum of life to write a blog post has not only seemed unlikely, it has seemed impossible. In that time, I went to NYC/hung out with a fantastic friend/saw some shows, performed in As You Like It, directed my first full-length play, and more - in addition to the usual work and extra-curricular activities. But everybody's busy these days, aren't they?

But lately, things have slowed down quite a bit, to a pace I'm much more comfortable with. I make a to-do list and actually accomplish some of the things on it. I have met and begun dating a Wonderful Man about whom too many lovely things cannot be said. And I have Projects. Projects!

Among them:

-Learn how to make that best-I've-ever-had hot apple cider that you can get at the Biltmore House cafe.

-Roast Chestnuts (this includes finding them and the supplies to do it, and working out how)

-Change the bench in the kitchen into a countertop in the kitchen (avec assistance from the aforementioned Wonderful [-ly handy] Man)

-Cook. Really cook--select a menu, buy fresh stuff, prep it, and cook it properly (not peel-back-plastic-and-nuke or dump some things together and call it dinner.)

-build some Elizabethan-esque costumes for local theatre company (ongoing project)

-clean apartment, throwing out as much as I can stand (seriously ongoing project)

-obviously, Christmas shopping for loved ones, etc. (already underway- hurrah!)

There are more, but this is a start. And I've already made progress: The Fresh Market has fresh chestnuts for $7.99/lb. I bought some today to experiment with the roasting of them. Any tips/suggestions/warnings are appreciated.

Love to you all,



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