A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Thursday, December 02, 2004

but I've got proof

They're gonna take over the world. I'm not kidding. I was at Dooce's site, and she mentioned a "Boobah" with miraculous powers of taming small children. Not sure what a Boobah was, I googled it, like any normal person would (it's not gonna be in a dictionary, now is it??). From there, it was a quick click to possibly the weirdest site I have ever seen.

This... ...is a boobah.

Perhaps you've seen them in WalMart's kids' section. What? You never go to the kids' section??? But that's where the best toys are!

Okay, so the boobah sings and dances, or rather, coos and bobs. It's strange, but I find myself drawn to it. I am suspicious of the boobah.

And now,
the weirdest site confirms my suspicions. Check it out, but first make sure you have someone nearby who can jolt you out of your boobah trance, 'cuz you're gonna need it.


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