A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Friday, April 15, 2005

Guilty Confession

From time to time at work, the primary software we use acts up, and I need to call the techsupport line. There is a lovely young gentleman there that usually answers the phone and helps me get through whatever difficulty I'm having. He is courteous and knowledgeable, and every time I hang up from talking to him, I think to myself, "he sounds so CUTE!"
Of course, I've never met him, or even seen a picture, and we've never really talked about anything beyond the software or the weather (while we're waiting for the computer to do something), but still. He sounds cute. I hang up, think to myself how cute he sounds, and then I blush and giggle to myself over my silly reaction to this guy's voice. My student assistant busted me blushing the other day, and then we both started giggling over it, and now I've gotten to the point that I start blushing before I make the phone call.
Let me be clear: I do not call techsupport unless I really do need to. I don't make up "problems" that he can "solve" just so that I can hear his voice. No, really. I don't. ...yet.


At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in the tech support field at an Internet Service Provider and a lot of the women do call us back and sometimes flirt with us on the phone; not wanting to hangup when the problem is fixed or wanting to talk about issues that aren't at hand... Nothing really wrong with it, and I would have dates lined up for weeks if it wasn't that I was married.. My wife calls me @ work every now and then and can hear why other woman would want to call repeatively.

She is the only woman in my life and I'm proud of that; I love her dearly.


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