A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Thursday, April 14, 2005

A New Book in my Life

There is a new book in my life:
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
It's by the same author as Everything is Illuminated, one of my top 5 books. Ever. It is absolutely gorgeous. I loveloveitloveitloveit. I am entralled by the imagination of the author, in
creating these books. I find myself reading EL&IC very slowly, trying to make it last.
Actually, while I'm reading it, it goes by way too quickly. But once I put it down, I'm reluctant to start again because I know the next time I pick it up I'll get closer to the end. Of course, that is in conflict with my deep wish to find what happens next.
So, in short, I highly recommend it to anyone who's looking for a good book.
I find myself wanting to meet Oskar, the protagonist. I want my life to be touched by this extraordinary child. I want to meet Jonathan Safran Foer, the author whose brain spawned the books. And then, the very next thought, is that I want to deserve to meet them. I want to have something extraordinary to give back, so that their time with me isn't wasted. I have this thought a lot, that I need to be better, funnier, sharper, worthier. I try to take this as a good sign, that I am still looking to better myself, but all I keep seeing is a low self-esteem issue. Maybe if I keep reading more great books I'll get better.


At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just finished The Time Travelers Wife and had the same reation--don't want to put it down, but don't want the story to end. People who write...wow! If you need some really RICH (rich like those chocolate truffle things) language, try some Rushdie--yep the guy who wrote the Satanic Verses (very overrated)--The World at Her Feet or Grimus are good ones to start with. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm language and in English!!


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