A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Monday, February 14, 2005

TravLog, stardate 01-05-05b

Originally uploaded by Epiphany.

I had to alter the photos a little, as it was getting dark as I was taking them. Clicky on the pic-y to see the others.

Flavigny - the little medieval (but still inhabited) village where the film Chocolat was filmed. I didn't know this when we were there, or I would've looked harder for Vianne's chocolate shop! ;)

There is in fact, no chocolate shop there, but the sweet scent of anise was everywhere, and if you've ever eaten these candies, they came from Flavigny.

The real name of the village is Flavigny-sur-Ozerain, and it sits quietly on a hill, seemingly untouched by the modern world. I bet their internet connection is crap, but then again, who cares? The place is lovely. For some history about it, go here, and for more pics (taken by someone else) go here. We wandered around for a bit, conveniently missing anything that might make us realize that Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp had been here. Matthieu was (as always) a doll, just looking around, checking out the world from his stylin' stroller with the clear plastic cover. I have got to get myself one. the stroller. not the baby. relax, mom.

As it got darker and colder, we decided it was time to head on home. Doc fixed a deceptively simple dish called Pasta Carbonara for dinner. Creme, Bacon, Pasta. Three great tastes that taste Grrrrrreat together! yep. I'm definitely spoiled now.


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