ohyeahthat'sright. i have a blog. I knew I was forgetting something.The show has completed its run, and the set has been struck. I feel so honored and gratified to have been a part of it, and I'm really sad to see it go.
I must say I am glad to have my life back again. I've been sleeping a lot, doing laundry, cooking real food (not microwave dinners), and starting to catch up on all of the things that got pushed to the side while I was doing this show (and the 3 that went before it).
I realized that with the exception of a few days, I've been in one show or another for the past six months. Six months of thinking,"I can't paint my fingernails-my character wouldn't do that." Or, "I can't go to the beach-my character's supposed to be pale." Or "I can't get my hair cut-my character probably hasn't had hers cut in months, if not years."
Now I can paint my nails, change my hair color, frolic on the beach, exercise (or not), or whatever else I want to do because there's No Show On The Horizon.
But to show you that I'm never fully recovered from this addiction: I might want to do Shakespeare again next summer, so I don't think I'll cut my hair shorter than shoulder length. The first step is admitting.
Yeah, I just blogged about my hair color and length. AND my nails. Deal with it.