A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Dee & Epiphany's European Vacation

Ok Ya'll - How cool is this:

My mom and I are going to Europe in April.
We're going to London, Bath, Salisbury (Stonehenge), Glastonbury, Cardiff (Wales), and Stratford-Upon-Avon, then on to Paris, and over to visit with friends in the French countryside, where I'll get to meet my goddaughter for the first time.
I. Can't. Wait.
We've worked out a basic plan for where we want to go, and when and how. The next step is figuring out if the places we want to go will be open on the specific days we want to go to them. Then we'll get the tickets and have a big time!
I'm so excited. I'm trying to keep it in, because until we actually get there, anything can happen to keep us from going. But I really can't help it! I'm so excited! i said that already, didn't I?

More later, but that's the plan as we know it so far.


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