A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sometimes, eating the entire box

...of Girl Scout Cookies seems inevitable.

Without getting into the insane details, this has been a heck of a week. And I don't mean that in a good way. I am overcommitted on several fronts (some my fault, some not), and have been trying for the last few weeks just to keep my head from going underwater for too long at once. Please trust me when I say that I am understating the case, and we can both avoid a long, drawn out explanation of how rough things have been because really, does anyone need another "woe is me" tale?
(and yet I continue. ...hmmm.)
In the midst of all of this, I agreed to do a professional favor for someone. And I'm talking a BIG favor - one that committed me to many hours of additional work. Boy, was that a mistake. Never have I done a favor for someone so ungrateful. Instead of "gosh, that's kind of you to do that for me - how can I help?" I got, "can you also do This? and This? NO??!? Why not? I think I'll go WAY over your head and ask someone totally uninvolved to step in and take my side." In addition to seven or eight 12-hour days this month already, I was asked to come in to work 2 hours early for a meeting in which,...now take this one slow, to allow it to sink in...I was required to explain to my supervisor and two other people, WHY I had the nerve to do the favor the way I did it and not the way they wanted me to do it.

Are you kidding me?


THIS is how you repay a kindness?

wow. I'll NOT make the same mistake again with that person.
(venting is now over. positive posts will resume shortly.)


At 8:58 AM, Blogger Doc said...

reserving a bottle of bubbly just for you...sounds like you need it.



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