A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Trying, pt 2.

So this lifestyle-change thing, she not going so good.
I find myself more over-committed than I've been in a while. And it's not all stuff that I want to be doing - it's stuff that I felt obligated to agree to. I really hate that feeling. If I had lots of free time, or nothing else to do, it would be different. But now I'm having to turn down things that truly feel like missed opportunities, in favor of something that I feel I'm being dragged into. This gives the added bonus of guilt - not only can I not do things I want, I'm not enjoying what I am doing, so I'm doing a bad job of it (causing me to like it even less, and feel guilty and ashamed that I'm not doing it better).



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