A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Thursday, September 15, 2005

rode hard and put up wet

Yeah, I know - it's been forever since I posted. sorry 'bout that.

But here I am now, safe and sound after Ophelia's departure. I stayed at a friend's house for two nights and we passed the time by watching lots of episodes of Dr. Who and Lost. In the apartment there were three of us people and four cats, but we all got along pretty darn well. There was a big screen tv and cable, and the power only flickered a few times and went out once for about 30 minutes. I got thrashed in a game of Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit despite the fact that the judges were being very liberal with me ("Which two of the fellowship didn't smoke? That would be ...um,...the guy that got his horn split in two, and...uhh, oh, whatshisname ... orlando bloom."). So, all in all, it was like a bizarre slumber party.

And then I went home.
There's no real damage, just lots of debris all over the road and the yard, and the porch. There were dishes in the sink when I left, and they'd gotten stinky. Plus, the power was out and had apparently been out for a while. Let me say this: I got off EASY. What's wrong at my house can be repaired in a matter of a few short hours. It's nothing like what some of my family members are going through even now, after Katrina came through two and a half weeks ago. Now, having said that, even with my weeeeee tiiiiiiny bit of "damage," I'm wiped out. I'm tired from waiting, and not knowing, and not sleeping in my own space, and now I'm at work, wondering if my power's back on yet or not, wondering when it'll be safe to get new groceries to replace the spoiled ones in the fridge. I don't want to be here all by myself. I don't know what the point is in having people come back to work for a half-day when there's still cleaning to be done, and power to be restored. So I'm tired, and I'm whiny. and my nose is stuffy.


At 3:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're alive and well.


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