A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Friday, June 16, 2006

On Mojitos, Squid, and Karaoke

Last night was a lovely evening at the park. Unfortunately, the crowd was small, and they sat so far back in the seats that we couldn't see them. So the show felt more like a dress rehearsal than a performance. But I had a good time anyway. By the end of the show, most of the cast seemed to be in a bit of a festive mood, so we went to a new sushi bar downtown called YoSake. I had skipped dinner, and was close to gnawing on my own hand for nourishment. Thankfully, we arrived at the restaurant before the kitchen closed and I was able to get an Ocean Salad.

the Ocean Salad.
It's got slices of squid, shrimp, and some kinda something that I can't describe without sounding lewd. But it's really good. Reeeally good.

And you know what else is reeeally good?


They've got mint and lime and sugar and soda and oh, mebbe a little bit o' rum. I think I have a new favorite drink.

And even when you haven't had one or two too many, it's fun to say Moe-HEE-Toe! Go on, try it.

So yes, I had a couple, or maybe a few of those. And, AND. It was Karaoke night as well. So, summing up: singing, sushi, fun, fellowship, and hooch. That was my night. How was yours?


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