A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Have you ever had one of those mornings when your eyes just pop open an hour and 45 minutes after you were supposed to have woken up? And then you spend the next 5 minutes wondering, "can this be right?" "how did this happen? " "it is a weekday, right?" and "who can I call in to cover for me?" And you try to figure out what's the bare minimum of preparations that you can do to get to work on time (or close to it) and not look like you just rolled out of bed? But there's seriously NO TIME, so you end up throwing something on that neither fits well nor matches, but who's going to notice anyway, and head on to work, only to get there and realize that you still feel grubby, smell funky, and these clothes won't be any more comfortable at the end of the day than they are now, so you just end up going back home and taking a proper shower like you should have done in the first place?

ok, maybe that's just me.


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