A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Monday, December 20, 2004

The Lost Weekend

When most people refer to their 'lost weekend,' they mean that crazy weekend they went south of the border, drank way more than they'd ever thought possible, and wound up in some Alaskan hotel room with a meerkat for a bedfellow.

But not me, ohh-ho, not me, baby! My lost weekend was spent hacking up lungs and snot and talking all froggy-like, whining that I couldn't sleep, and trying to explain to my kitty why mommy wouldn't be getting up to feed her this hour, either. Oh, and I also had to work Saturday and Sunday night up in a lighting booth in a church gymnatorium.

The good news is the church show went pretty well, and I now have some more spending money for my trip to France. Yay! *cough* *whine*


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