A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Monday, May 02, 2005

Easy like Sunday afternoon

Originally uploaded by Epiphany.
What a very pleasant weekend I've just had. ...chillin' with my kitten, studyin' my lines, and enjoying the perfect breeze coming into my windows. I'd like this season to continue for a while, but I know it isn't long until the days get crazy hot, and I have to shut the windows and turn on the a/c that sounds like a truck.

For more pics of how Tessa and I spent the weekend, click her pic.

The concert Friday night was fantastic, and we even got to meet Jesse and the band afterwards. Now I'm faced with the dilemma: do I buy the album online and have the music now, or do I wait to find it at the store so I can have the whole cd, case, liner notes, etc.?

Rehearsal starts tonight, so I'm trying to cram my lines for the scene we'll be blocking tonight. If only I didn't have this silly JOB taking up all my time.

In other news, I have not gotten the haircut yet, but it will be soon!


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