A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Thursday, April 28, 2005

What IS it with the Haircuts??

Okay, it's GOT to be something with springtime, or the cosmos or something. It seems everywhere I go now, I hear somebody say, "I'm thinking of getting my hair cut." And it's always in the sense of "I'm reeeeally gonna get it CUT." You know, like something drastic, or very different from how it's been. Last night, the AD at a theatre I work with said she's going to chop off her beautiful long, straight hair. I think she's getting a bob. My expat friend Vivi posted here her anxieties about getting her hair cut in France (it's been a really long time, they only speak French, how much will it cost, should she bring a pic, etc).
As for myself (because darlings, it IS, after all, All About Me), I've decided to cut my hair for the summer. It's long, and straight, and below my shoulders, and when it's a Good Hair Day, it makes me feel quite sexy. But let's face it: good hair days are maybe once or twice a month, and they'll be even more infrequent once summer humidity kicks in. Also, my character in 2 Gentlemen of Verona is male, and with shorter hair it will be easier to create an illusion. Epiphany's gonna be in DRAG!! :-) And, it IS only hair, and will grow back, whatever I do to it. No, I'm not nervous about it of course I'm not nervous about it why would I be nervous about it??

So here's what I propose: I'm posting a pic of what I'll be showing to the hairdresser...
(La belle Juliette Binoche from "The English Patient")

And, I'll take a deep breath and take a pic of me before and after. Then, when it's all over we can all laugh at how it didn't work out At All, how frighteningly close to the pic the hairdresser got it, how I was insane to cut it, or how I was insane to let it get so long in the first place.

It'll be great fun! You'll see!




At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know i reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wonder when you start posting pics of beautiful woemen and talking about you being in drag.....

What is in the air over here?


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