A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Weather with you

Today's another in a string of days what it's not quite, or not yet, raining. We've had reports all week from meteorologists saying "enjoy the weather you've got Right Now, 'cuz soon, it's gonna come a Storm!" And you know how just before a rain, the earth seems to be wound so tightly, a little stressed out, tense, allllmmmost to the breaking point, and then the rain comes, bringing sweet relief with it? Well, for the past several days, we've been in the tension zone. Everyone's carrying umbrellas with anticipation, making sure they've got an extra sweater or light jacket, just in case. We're all rushing around, getting things done that can't be done when it's raining, and avoiding washing the car, or watering the flowers because, you know,..."It's Gonna Come A STORM!!"
I hope it rains soon, because I Just Can't Take The Pressure!!


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