A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Friday, September 23, 2005

In praise of Dancing

I was going to write this big, long post, inspired by Dancing with the Stars, based on the notion that :
Dancing is Cool,

...even if you're not a pro at it. I was going to mention to any guys reading this that in my humble girl's opinion, 'tis better to dance poorly than not to dance at all. If guys had any idea how many points they score just by uttering those luuurvely words, "Would you like to dance with me?" ...they might do it more often. Then again, maybe they wouldn't. I've tried to get this point across to several of my guy friends, and a couple of guys I've dated, with only very minimal success. But I have not given up.

I said that I was going to write this post. But someone else beat me to it. May I introduce to you, and welcome to the blogosphere,... [drum roll] ...ADAMNFOOL! [yayyyyyyy!] He's a great guy and a very dear friend, and I love that he's started a blog so I can keep up with all the fantastic stuff he's doing. He's written a primer on How to Be a Better Boyfriend, and his stuff about Dancing is what I've been trying to say for a long time. Here's the post, just scroll down to the bits about dancing [then scroll back up and read the rest ;-) ].


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