A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I've missed him so

Today I caught Bill Clinton being interviewed on two separate TV shows. He was talking about the questions of the day:
-How will we pay for Katrina relief?
-What's to be done in Iraq?
-hey, check out Bush's plummeting approval rating (okay, that wasn't a question, but I couldn't resist)
He was talking like I want a leader to talk to me: as if we're having a conversation, and I'm not just someone looking for a soundbite or a bumpersticker. He said the things that I've been thinking all along, only he had the information to back it up. And when his answer was only an opinion, or one of several possible solutions, or if he knew he didn't have all of the information, he said so. And he wasn't dwelling on what's been going wrong, but instead he was focusing on how to fix it.
He talked about how we're borrowing from other countries who are poorer than we are, just so we can continue giving tax breaks to the wealthy - and as a member of the upper class, he felt that was unconscionable.
He said that whatever we do with regard to Iraq, we must not lose sight of Afghanistan and working to shut down the taliban (I can't being myself to capitalize that word).
He mentioned that if we don't do something now to control global warming, then the oceans will rise (are already rising), and we'll lose more of Louisiana, more of Manhattan, and places like Maldives will be covered over and lost entirely.
He talked about a lot more, but I didn't catch the whole thing, and that's all I can remember at the moment. Most of all, I came away with a sense of just how much I've missed his style of leadership. I feel like for the past 5 years, I've just been pretending it's all a dream. Pretending that Bush is not really my president. I didn't vote for him, I don't like him, and I don't like what he's been doing to my country. Can I just have Clinton back?


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