A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Friday, January 20, 2006

..And I'm so Haaappyyyy...

...so verrrry haaappyyy...
I finally was allowed to hire an assistant at work!! I keep doing the happy dance all over the place. People are getting a little worried about me.

It must be said, I'll do the happy dance at the drop of a hat. But there's been precious little to happydance about here lately. I thought if I had to apologize one more time to someone for being "too busy" to do something, I'd open a vein. If I had to complain one more time about working overtime, or needing extra staff, I was going to break down and cry. oh, wait...I did cry.

So anyway, here's the happydance-worthy news:
We found someone to pick up some temp hours at my office!! And she's got experience!! We can't afford to give her more than about 20 hours/week, but that's 20 more hours/week that I'll have assistance! I apologize for what someone would call overuse of exclamation points, but I can't show you the happydance itself, because it's something that should only be viewed live. There are rules about this sort of thing.

Here I go, happily back to work.


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