A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Cramming it all in

There's SO much to do, and SO little time. I know, it's a more common refrain this time of year than Feliz Navidad, but that's just how it is. There's a lot of stuff I've wanted to take the time to blog about properly, but there's just no time, so you get the Clif's Notes version:

  • Quilt: The top is done, and the borders are sewn on it. I bought the most lovely soft cotton batting to put inside. I almost wish I didn't have to put a bottom on it so I could still feel the batting. But these are the sacrifices one must make in life. The fabric store I frequent got in some more of the green leafy stuff I wanted to use as the bottom, so I was happily able to get enough of that to cover the back of the quilt. I still have to put the bottom (back) together; stitch the top, middle(batting), and bottom together;cut some binding; and sew it on. It will still probably take a while longer to finish, as I'm going ot of town tomorrow, but I feel confident that I know enough to finish it on my own. And yes, there will be pictures. Sometime. Oh, and I have some lovely plaids I'm planning on making another quilt with, using the stuff I've learned from this quilt. Give a girl a quilt, and she stays warm through the winter. Teach a girl to quilt, and she'll spend all her money on fabric, thread, rotary cutters, cutting mats, rulers, quilting books,...
  • Christmas: I'll be celebrating with the family this year in Mississippi. It will be quite the whirlwind tour (it usually is), but we'll be heading back to North Carolina on Christmas day. I suspect we'll get up, unwrap some gifts, eat some lunch, hug everybody, and get on the road. But that means we'll probably stop in Atlanta for the night, which means getting up early on the 26th and hitting one of the many malls there. Yes, there are malls here, but there are different stores in the malls there. It's the only power-shopping I'll get to do all season, at least let me enjoy it.
  • Presents - I think I have everybody covered, but there are two scarves that have yet to be finished, and I haven't wrapped anything. My excuse for not wrapping will be that I didn't know if airport security would let me through with wrapped gifts. You think they'll buy it?
  • Packing - Nope. Haven't started. And I have from about 9pm, when I get off of work, until 3:30 a.m., when I pick up Robb-who's taking me to the airport-to pack, clean the litterbox, do the laundry, wash the dishes, clean the apartment, and sleep for a few minutes before heading out to be with family. Feliz Navidaaaaaddddd....
  • Aunt Bonnie - It's her 90th Birthday on Christmas day, and I've been trying for about a month to compose a little something for her at her party tomorrow afternoon. I've got parts of it written in my head, but the distance from there to the page seems oh, so very far. But I'll be disowned by my mother if I don't finish it, so I'll try to tackle it after lunch.

And that's it. For now.

Have a Happy and a Merry.


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