I think I need a Doctor
My new obsession:
Last year, the BBC resurrected the series with a new Doctor. Thanks to lovely Michael, I've been able to watch all of the episodes with the FahnTaahStick Christopher Eccleston in the title role. And now I'm addicted - the series is great fun, updated in all the right ways, and left alone in all the others (in my humble opinion).
Only really, I only thought I was addicted. Eccleston finished out his one-year contract and they got a new Doctor - a new new Doctor, if you will. And this new guy. Well. His name is David Tennant, but I like to refer to him as Catnip. Now, NOW, I'm addicted. He's absolutely adorable, with big brown eyes and a mischievous grin, and can go from geeky to sexy to playful to badass and back again on a dime. He's totally cute, his portrayal of The Doctor is completely endearing (no wonder Rose drops everything for a spin in the tardis with him), and then. THEN. As If All This Weren't Enough....
He's SCOTTISH. *whimper*
He uses a "mockney" dialect in the show, but there are commentary tracks and interviews in which he uses his natural voice, and I just...I can't...I'm reduced to jelly. There are no words. I'm not made of stone, people! Just look at 'im! You can't truly expect me to resist this:
I think Michael's secretly pleased he's Made A New One . Way to go, Michael!