A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Monday, April 24, 2006

I think I need a Doctor

My new obsession:

Last year, the BBC resurrected the series with a new Doctor. Thanks to lovely Michael, I've been able to watch all of the episodes with the FahnTaahStick Christopher Eccleston in the title role. And now I'm addicted - the series is great fun, updated in all the right ways, and left alone in all the others (in my humble opinion).
Only really, I only thought I was addicted. Eccleston finished out his one-year contract and they got a new Doctor - a new new Doctor, if you will. And this new guy. Well. His name is David Tennant, but I like to refer to him as Catnip. Now, NOW, I'm addicted. He's absolutely adorable, with big brown eyes and a mischievous grin, and can go from geeky to sexy to playful to badass and back again on a dime. He's totally cute, his portrayal of The Doctor is completely endearing (no wonder Rose drops everything for a spin in the tardis with him), and then. THEN. As If All This Weren't Enough....

He's SCOTTISH. *whimper*
He uses a "mockney" dialect in the show, but there are commentary tracks and interviews in which he uses his natural voice, and I just...I can't...I'm reduced to jelly. There are no words. I'm not made of stone, people! Just look at 'im! You can't truly expect me to resist this:


I think Michael's secretly pleased he's Made A New One . Way to go, Michael!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, little man!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Paris, Korea?

Originally uploaded by Epiphany.
Recently, a friend and I were traveling and in need of a pit stop. I won't even go into how long it took to find a loo (and you know how 30 seconds seems like a lifetime during these times), but I will tell you that, as it is wont to do, curiosity got the best of us. We had to know just what was so "French" about the tickler.

Well, we were not able to satisfy our curiosity, as the people who stocked the machines were apparently afflicted the franco-phobia that swept the nation a few years ago, and what were once French Ticklers are now ...wait for it...Freedom Ticklers.
I swear I could not make this up.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Another Beautiful Sunset

Last night I went out to dinner with a friend who will be departing soon for her new life in New York City. We ate at a little French-style cafe on the waterfront, giggled, confided, and drank wine. Then we met a couple more friends at a sofa/martini bar.
This night seemed to illustrate the feelings I have about leaving town or staying here. On the one hand, my friend is brave enough to take the leap and follow her dreams. It's a completely exciting prospect to me to just drop everything and try something completely different. On the other hand, I do like it here. It's beautiful, I have great friends, and I do like my life here. And as they say, "if it ain't broke..."

I guess I'll stay just a bit longer, and then decide.

PS - click the sunset for more photos or click here for the big version of the sunset.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

More than a little giddy

I just realized something:
Today is a good day.

-I'm headed to see dear friends from College in a little over 30 hours
-I'm directing a show (albeit a short one) for the first time in a decade
-and my work email inbox is down to just 4 items that need my attention!!

I still have a basketfull of little things I need to do today, but once I saw that inbox, those things instantly seemed more accomplishable. And I'm inventing new words today, too!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My New Favorite Site


From time to time I get a wee bit obsessive about making things. Usually these periods follow a prolonged stint of working for Da Man. So many numbers in a row, just marching around like obedient little soldiers and I just gotta get away man, gotta get away.

So along came Craftster.

It's this great site for people who like making things, but aren't the least bit interested in flop-eared muslin bunnies, those freakin' crows, or anything with the word "cozy" in its name. Not that there's anything wrong with the bunnies, crows, cozies, or the people who love them. But the craftster folks are hardcore.

Don't believe me?
Just check out the Cookie Monster alarm clock:
The Wonder Woman desk lamp (tap lights for her golden orbs)

Funky Diva Decoupage Shoes

Or my favorite, the fetus-in-a-sack that was posted here. (You'll have to click the link for that image. I'm always lookin' out for the squeamish among you)

I may not ever make one of these things (then again, I MIGHT!! mouahahahaha!!! ), but it just makes me happy and yes, Damn Proud Of My Generation that this site, and these people exist.

Rawk On, Craftster!!