A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hoping for broken leg

Tonight's my big Opening Night as a guide. I'll be leading a group of 30-something 8th graders through various streets and alleyways, telling them all about the ghostly goings on years (and weeks) ago Right In This Very Spot!
It's about an hour's worth of talking in 10 minute-ish segments, interspersed with about 5 minutes of walking in-between each stop. I haven't rehearsed with anyone but my cat, no one's approved (or even seen) my costume but me, and the winds are forecasted to reach 30mph.

Fasten your seatbelts, y'all!

Monday, March 17, 2008

What the doctor ordered

Well folks, I have finally recharged. I spent the weekend catching up on things that had reached a critical point and desperately needed attention. I was able to get some good study and practice in for the ghost walk, update my calendars including work/ghost walk/rehearsals, do my taxes (money back! yeah!), gather the rebate paperwork from my modem, watch the rest of the season of Friday Night Lights, and the usual laundry/dishes/sweeping stuff. I even prepared food, cooked it, ate it, and then cleaned up after myself. Pretty amazing stuff, really. I probably should have gotten out and enjoyed the fantastic weather, spent some quality time with the Wonderful Man, seen some friends I need to catch up with, done some mega-cleaning of the apartment, etc., but all-in-all, I think it was just what I needed.

It's Monday, and I'm actually feeling quite chipper.

...and maybe it'll even last past lunch!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Trying, pt 2.

So this lifestyle-change thing, she not going so good.
I find myself more over-committed than I've been in a while. And it's not all stuff that I want to be doing - it's stuff that I felt obligated to agree to. I really hate that feeling. If I had lots of free time, or nothing else to do, it would be different. But now I'm having to turn down things that truly feel like missed opportunities, in favor of something that I feel I'm being dragged into. This gives the added bonus of guilt - not only can I not do things I want, I'm not enjoying what I am doing, so I'm doing a bad job of it (causing me to like it even less, and feel guilty and ashamed that I'm not doing it better).
