Nothing to report
Yes, that's right. I really have nothing to say. Actually, I have tons, but none that I feel would be appropriate in this little obscure corner of the oh-so-public world.
That being said, I'm all aflutter. Yes, you heard me. Aflutter. yougottaproblemwiththat?
I think I'm feeling the arrival of spring.
Work has eased off just a little bit - enough for a little breathing room. We lost a full-timer at the end of last summer, and it's been up to me to take up the slack, as well as do my own regular job and take charge of a new software roll-out. Good times. I'm just glad I've survived this long.
I know that I will travel soon, with hopefully a minor trip along the east coast even before I take the major trip with my family in April. Impending travel is a lovely thing. The anticipation is delicious.
My garden is slowly beginning to thaw out. This is a good thing, as I desperately need to move some plants to form a fence - "herbaceous border" I think they call it - along one side of my yard. I think it shall be my project for tomorrow.
As I said, there's nothing really new or exciting to report, but somehow life does feel just a little bit new and exciting to me nonetheless.
I hope this feeling lasts.