A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Goin' South for the Summer

Well, really, I'm just going for a week. To Mississippi, or "Ipp-Iss-Issim," as my dad calls it. Tomorrow, stinkin' early in the morning, I'm flying to Atlanta to be picked up by my parents, and we're all driving the rest of the way to Mississippi to visit family for almost a whole week.
I'm really looking forward to seeing my grandparents and spending time with Mom and Dad. And, I'm told, we're to be staying at Canebreak, which is southern-speak for MyCousins'ReallyNiceSummerHouseInASuburbOnALake. You see how "Canebreak" is just much easier. AND, talk about bonuses, they have wireless internet!!
I haven't seen Grandad or Bobo in gosh, a year and a half? That's Too Long!! I lovethemlovethemlovethem. But it's not so easy for them to get to where I live, so I just have to take some time off every now and then to treck down south for a visit. So there will be visitin' with them and the cousins, shoppin', restin', eatin', and maybe even waterskiin' for me for the next several days. Please don't throw me in the briarpatch.

So that's what I'll be doing. I'll talk to y'all later.
see? i'm practicing already.


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