A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

This one's for Ed

Ed, I don't know who you are, but you seem to care about my quilt, and that makes me care about you. As for the rest of you, well, you're just gonna have to wait. I'm talking to Ed right now.

Ed, my quilt is going along swimmingly, thanksferaskin'. The teacher assigned 52, yes, Fifty-Two little checkerboard pieces for the corners of each pieced ...piece. That means 104 little squares in each of the two colors, and five hundred attemps at getting their seams right. It's a good thing I bought wayyy more fabric than I needed, because I sure needed it. (?)

I think I musta made about 97 little checkerboard squares to get 52 usable ones. Notice I said "usable," and not "perfect." It's a good thing I'm not going for a grade in this class, because there's just NO CHANCE I'd get an A. I'm hoping that the rest of the squares will be easier, and they'll bring my grade, if I got one, up to somewhere around a B minus.
That's that I'm aiming for.
The goal I'm aspiring to.
Not what I'll accept, on the way to perfection, but what I'll consider my own personal high point. On my personal wheel of fortune, a B- would by my Big Money. Pat and Vanna would have to wait for me to finish doing my victory dance before they could spin a letter, if I were lucky enough to get a B minus on this.
Perhaps I should bring this tangent to a close.

Quilt's going well.
52 squares complete. Class again tomorrow night, where I will be shamed by the advanced seamstresses in the group, and will seem (seam?) like the brown-nosing suckup to the others.

B minus here I come.


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