A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Monday, January 30, 2006

So Hungry

I'm so hungry, I've tipped up the Pringles can THREE TIMES to see if there are any more crumbs to be had. I can't wait til payday comes, at midnight tonight.

anyone up for a 12:01a.m. grocery raid?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Why I luuurrve the internet

Reason #63:
Detailed instructions (including diagrams) on How to Make a Quill Pen from a feather.

an excerpt: "Select the feather from one of the first five flight feathers of any large bird such as a Goose, Swan or even a Peacock. Interestingly enough, feathers from the left wing fit the right hand best, and vice versa...."

Friday, January 20, 2006

It must be Christmas.

as a P.S. to the previous post, I just found out that I got a $572/year pay increase. That means an extra cd or two each month!

it ain't much, but I'll take it.

..And I'm so Haaappyyyy...

...so verrrry haaappyyy...
I finally was allowed to hire an assistant at work!! I keep doing the happy dance all over the place. People are getting a little worried about me.

It must be said, I'll do the happy dance at the drop of a hat. But there's been precious little to happydance about here lately. I thought if I had to apologize one more time to someone for being "too busy" to do something, I'd open a vein. If I had to complain one more time about working overtime, or needing extra staff, I was going to break down and cry. oh, wait...I did cry.

So anyway, here's the happydance-worthy news:
We found someone to pick up some temp hours at my office!! And she's got experience!! We can't afford to give her more than about 20 hours/week, but that's 20 more hours/week that I'll have assistance! I apologize for what someone would call overuse of exclamation points, but I can't show you the happydance itself, because it's something that should only be viewed live. There are rules about this sort of thing.

Here I go, happily back to work.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Using Graffiti for Good, Not Evil

mmm...Manual Labor.

This past weekend, I reglimpsed what I was trained to do.
The theatre company that I work for had to move from one storage space to another because the original donated space was no longer being donated. This, while being a huge pain in the patoot, was also the perfect opportunity to get some much needed organization in our storage methods. I planned and plotted, consulted and contrived. And I invited (begged, pleaded, cajoled) my friend Robb to join me. He too, is a big fan of the organizing.
For those of you not a-tall interested in behind-the-scenes of the theatre world, just don't even bother to read the rest of this post. It will bore you to tears (too late?). For those of you who are interested in behind the scenes of the theatre world, well, there's about a 50/50 chance you'll be bored to tears as well. Feel free to drop out at any time. You've been warned.
I only mention this because I know that there are a few of you out there who, like me, get a ...yes, I'm gonna say it,...Thrill, out of solving two or more problems with just one solution.
Our problems were:
-too much scrap lumber (we don't want to throw it away, 'cuz we bought it, but it's too much of a pain to keep dragging back and forth to the theatre on the chance it might get used, so it just piles up and gets in the way)
-lack of portability of scenic elements (stock pieces must be loaded and unloaded one at a time, creating a drain on time and manpower)
-little or no organization of stored items.
The solution was to use the scrap lumber to build some racks and cases out of it. With the additional purchase of some casters (wheels) and some clear plastic containers, we were able to make the racks and cases easier to move (Six Flats At Once!!). And, we turned a podium from a previous show into a wheeled cabinet to store the ( Labeled ! ) plastic boxes in, so that we can roll all of the tape, tie-line, screws, miscellaneous hardware, extension cords, bolts, lightbulbs, paint supplies, etc. to the theatre all in one container. Did I mention that it has wheels?
We did have to give or throw a staggering amount of stuff away, but now we can see and get to everything that we have. And that makes it far more likely that we'll actually use some of the stuff again, instead of buying and building all new stuff.
I know this may all be staggeringly boring to most, but to me, and perhaps one or two more of you (Adam? Grant?), I know you can appreciate my glee.

Eye Candy

It's like they made it just for me.

They said, "what sort of movie would please Epiphany the most?" And then they made it.

Who wants to go see it with me?

Friday, January 13, 2006

Wet Ledger

I went with my friend Barbara last night to see Casanova. It's exactly my kind of 'popcorn movie.' It's got period costumes, exotic (to me) locations, and just the right amount of humor and plot twists to keep me interested for the entire length of the movie. It was fun and pretty, but nothing I felt any huge need to discuss afterwards at length. And while I've never felt any particular attraction to Heath Ledger, I will admit he is talented, and looks rather fetching in a puffy shirt that's being drenched by the rain.

Afterwards, we went to a restaurant about 23 paces from the theatre to sit and dish for about THREE HOURS. I guess we needed that. You know, I have wonderful guy friends, but there's just no substitute for some good girl talk. It's nice to know that I'm not alone - there are other women out there feeling the same things I'm feeling, about life, work, art, love, etc.

So here's to Chicks, and Chick Flicks.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

One post to cover it all

view from plane
Originally uploaded by Epiphany.
There's a lot that's happened over the past month or so, and I've wanted to sit down and tell you all about each part of it, but there just hasn't been the time available that I wanted to devote to it. And the longer I wait to post, the more happens that I want to post about. So. I have brought you pictures in lieu of the epic saga of Epiphany For The Holidays.
Something involving the phrase "worth a thousand words" seems appropriate here.
Anyway click on the pic here to go to the photo site, where I've uploaded about 16 new pics of what I've been up to lately.
Maybe this'll take some of the pressure off so I can give you smaller episodic updates. or something.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Brand Spankin' New

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome
Christine Marylamar Françoise Poulot
to the world. I may have spelled her name wrong, but I think it's okay - she can't read yet. Mom and baby are reportedly doing well, and jeune Christine weighs 8.9 lbs, and is 20 inches, according to report.
Congratulations! Félicitations! Glückwünsche! Congratulazioni! Gelukwens! Поздравления! 祝贺。! L'Chaim!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Still Alive

...'bet you thought I'd up an' diiied, huh?

Nope. I just been bizzy.

I promise, promise, promise I'll give you a proper post soon, oh so very soon, complete with holiday updates, quilt progress, pictures, and everything. But now, I just gotta keep working to try to keep up.

Thanks fer understandin'.