A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez!

Happy Mardi Gras, Everybody!
The above was designed by Andrea Mistretta, the immenseley talented woman behind over twenty years of gorgeous poster designs for New Orleans' Mardi Gras Celebrations. Thanks to the love and efforts of The World's Best Mother (mine, but I'm willing to share), I have all of the posters. I have a few favorites, and this one will certainly become one of them. To order one (or more) of your own, go here. And while you're spending money online, drop a few bucks in the hat for The American Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Funny How Time Slips Away

I know, it's been a while. Too long, in fact. Nothing really huge has happened to disrupt the flow of my life, but I've just been plugging away as usual, with tiny victories and defeats like everyone else. But I think I can hit a few of the high points, for those who are still interested in my wee blog:
-Work is going better. We've hired an additional person to catch the phones before they roll to me, so that I can carry through a given item on my to-do list to its completion. We're all still adjusting, but things are better than they were, and I'm less miserable. Less Miserable, not to be confused with Les Miserables.
-Quilt still hasn't been finished. Yeah, I know, Ed. I'm sorry. But you must understand - to finish the quilt, I must clean off the sewing table. To clean off the sewing table, I must have a place to put everything on the sewing table. To have a place to put,.. well, you get the point. I just need to be snowed in for a long weekend. I will finish. I will. Pray for snow.
-Epiphany had a date!!! Several, in fact. With the same guy, even. And that's all you're gonna get for now because it's all still pretty new. If you're nice though, maybe I'll tell you more later.
-My friend Michael and I went to a dance class/party the other night. I think we may take a 6-week class on Argentine Tango. We've been talking about taking a ballroom class together for YEARS, and we finally took the first step. And from here, It's Just a Jump to the Left...
-My best friend Robb is dating my best friend Heather. This just makes me happy.
-There's more, I'm sure there's more, but I'll have to catch you up with the rest later.

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Day of Being Dumped Upon

First let me say that on the whole, 2006 has been going much better than 2005. So far.

But today. Today is the day that people dump things in my lap and then go away for the weekend.
Wha-- huh??

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


First let me say to Doc: This is not intended as a "look what I can do" kinda thing. Instead, I want to share my recent experience with you, so that you can relive the joyful experience with me. No, I didn't get to make out with Mel Gibson. Instead,...

I went Grocery Shopping.
It was so cool -- there was FOOD everywhere! And I could just stroll through the aisles, take stuff off the shelf, and BUY it! And then I could take it home and EAT it! And I did, baby, I did. I got me some groceries, and took them home, and there were so many, I had to put some in the Refridgerator!
incidentally, do a google image search on the word groceries, and you'll be hard pressed to find a picture of a grocery bag without the obligatory baguette sticking out of the top. Who decided that we wouldn't recognize groceries unless there was VFB?*
*(Visible French Bread)