A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Big Apple

Well, we applied to rent the house, and we're just waiting to hear back. I'm getting SO impatient to hear. I want to know if instead of cleaning my apartment, I could just be throwing the junk in boxes. Because to clean and pack would just be a waste of effort, somehow.

And some other big news -- I'm going to New York City tomorrow!! I'm going to see my favorite actor ever in MacB...MacBe..Mac...The Scottish Play in Central Park. Maybe some of you have realized that I'm no longer calling Liev Schreiber my future husband.
Lemme 'splain.
It's not because I think he's any less Yummy, Handsome, Talented, Brilliant, or just generally Beyond Perfect. It's just that he's dating this girl, and they've been dating for a while, and it seems kinda serious, and let'sbehonestwhatweremychancesanyway, and I'm starting to feel a little creepy about the whole 'future husband' thing. But then, that could all change tomorrow. I could see him, running 'round the stage, with that voice and that intelligence and that tall-drink-of-waterness, and I may just throw all caution to the wind, and go back to referring to him as my Intended, Naomi be damned.

Or I could just crawl up in a hole, wailing and moaning over the fact that I'm not the beautiful blonde Australian that he's currently snuggling with.

It could really go either way.


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