A Blythe Epiphany

...now with more curry

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Just some general things today...

First, Happy Mother's Day to Mothers, Grandmothers, Great-Grandmothers, Birth Mothers, Mothers-To-Be, Adoptive Mothers, Foster Mothers, ...etc. I hope you all have a Mother of a Great day!

Second, I'd just like to state again, for the record, that I Love Rain. It started raining here sometime while I was still sleeping, and continued through 'til just about an hour or two ago. Beautiful, steady, soaking rain with distant rumblings of thunder. It's the time of year that's just prior to Stinkin' Hot time of year, so I still have the windows open. Also, the leaves are fuller on the trees lately. I could hear the rain hitting the leaves outside my window for hours. It was absolutely fantastic.

Third, It's Not My Fault. I had about decided to just gather what pseudo running clothes/gear I have around, you know, the stuff that's not exactly for the avid runner, but it's close enough to make a start. I was going to make my first outing today. I've been doing the research, asking friends who run, and it seems that the best thing to do is to just start by walking. Get to know the route, get your body used to being out, etc. Then you step it up to something like Walk Four Minutes, then Run For One. Repeat 10x. You gradually increase the running while decreasing the walking, etc. etc. So last night I felt like I've been thinking about it for long enough and it was time to get off my tuchas and get to it already. Just shut up and run, ya know? Well, that didn't work out. (see above paragraph.) There are still hours left in the day, but also errands that must be accomplished in those hours. We'll see what happens.

I'm sure there's more, but talking/writing about my inactivity makes me fidgety. Must go do something.

Have a lovely!!


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