WWAY-TV3 (local ABC affiliate) did a news report on our show! (I'm the one in the puffy pants screaming for Madame Sylvia. ...i feel pretty, oh, so pretty.... ) with more curry
WWAY-TV3 (local ABC affiliate) did a news report on our show! (I'm the one in the puffy pants screaming for Madame Sylvia. ...i feel pretty, oh, so pretty.... )
Well, really, I'm just going for a week. To Mississippi, or "Ipp-Iss-Issim," as my dad calls it. Tomorrow, stinkin' early in the morning, I'm flying to Atlanta to be picked up by my parents, and we're all driving the rest of the way to Mississippi to visit family for almost a whole week.
The Flickr people have announced that they're making their big move from Canada to California. Culture shock, anyone?
Last night I got this message on my cel phone:
why, oh why is it, that I can flirt without actually flirting with the techsupport guy that lives in Wisconsin, but when it comes to someone cute sitting next to me at the bar, I become the most awkward geek girl there ever was??
Last night was Face-Your-Fears night at Martha's Karaoke Lounge, so that's where we went after the show. Technically, it was Karaoke Contest night, but since I'd been to about 5 karaoke nights since rehearsals began, and hadn't sung once, I decided that it was time to face my fears. After much dorky study and karaoke downloads at ($0.88/song!!), I felt armed and ready. Well, to be honest, dorky study, karaoke downloads, and a $3 Margarita left me feeling armed and ready. I had my list of songs I thought I could do, and sat down with the book to select the perfect one.
I keep trying to work, but every time I consider starting one of the projects on my 'to do' list, the phone rings. We've gotten busier with sales for a concert on Saturday. So for the next hour, I'm giving up trying to start anything new. I'm just going to sit here, listen to my Yahoo Radio Station, update my blog, play some spider solitaire, and wait for the phone to ring. ...that oughta make it stop ringing, if anything will.
...that "in-between stage" of growing one's hair out, when it is too long for one style, but too short for another, when you can't decide between using barettes and hairbands or not? Flipping it up or under?
A friend of mine gave me this book, He's Just Not That Into You. I read it last night. Now let me say first, that I'm just not that into self-help books. I never read about Mars and Venus except in Astronomy class. I got a Deepak Chopra book from a yard sale, but never made it past the first chapter. Dr. Phil and I have never hung out. If I'm at a bookshop and find myself looking at books on a shelf that is near the self-help section, I make darn sure that it is perfectly clear that I'm not looking at the self-help books, I'm looking at biographies, thankyouverymuch, in case someone should come by and see me shopping there. So yes, I guess you could say I am a self-help snob. BUT. All I've got to say about this book is, Damn. I been a fool. Me and all my otherwise intelligent wimmen friends.
The good news, I got my picture in Encore, our local weekly entertainment guide. The bad news is, this is the picture.
Of course North Carolina and South Carolina are different. They are completely different. For example, there are towns named Beaufort in both of the Carolinas, but in SC it's pronounced Byew-fert, and in NC it's called Boh-fert. We're way more elegant here in the North.