Have you ever had a piece of music that you associate so much with a particular time in your life that you can't hear it without thinking of that time? I have several of these, but the most extreme example is an entire album. I played that suckah OUT all during my college years. And yes, Vivi, it IS the one you're thinking about.
So this album, I absolutely loved. And I believe I fell in love with a man partly because he seemed to appreciate the album as much as I did. You wouldn't think it's much to base a relationship on, but for anyone who's felt this strong of a connection to any piece of music, it's not that much of a stretch.
Well this relationship, it didn't go so well. Much heartache, buckets of tears. I was young and stupid, and hadn't yet learned that if he's not willing to go a certain (reasonable) distance to make the relationship work, then he does not love me enough. And if he keeps saying that he does love me and still is not willing to give a little, then he is stringing me along and is not worth my time. Perhaps this sounds harsh to those who don't know me, but for those who do, you're probably breathing a sigh of relief that this Did. Finally. Get Through My Thick Skull. And just so you know, the italics and boldface type above are as much for my own benefit as anyone else's. Just because I did finally see the light doesn't mean I can just forget or ignore the mistakes and lessons of my past. Please, DEAR GOD, don't let me be doomed to repeat that history.
Anyway. I could write a book on that time and that guy and that heartache, but ...well, ...bygones, ya know? So back to this album. I played it So much, and associated it So closely with this relationship, that I've had a hard time listening to it for the past several years. It was too painful. And that was such a shame, because I really missed the music. I wanted to listen, but it always made me hurt. Quite sad, really.
Today, I added one song from that album to my windows media playlist. It was a song that I didn't feel as strong of an association with, and I mixed it in with all my other music, so I didn't have the combined effect of all the songs on the album, played in their original order. And I'm pleased to say that I enjoyed it without thinking of anything other than the music. Score one for me.
Here are the lyrics to that song, and they're rather apropos to what I'm feeling right now: